The finished product - minus the landscaping!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is a view of our Christmas Day snow! It blowed, snowed, and drifted all day long. We couldn't have gone anywhere if we wanted too. Our street was even drifted in, and the only thing moving was big 4-wheel drive trucks and snowmobiles. I had to shovel a couple times as we had eye level drifts in front of the garage doors and the entry door. What a welcome to winter in our new digs. I have to say the house is very energy efficient. We can set the temp to 65 degrees and it is very warm inside. I'm about burning up and RJ, who's cold all the time, is freezing. I tell him to go put on more clothes! Well, there's only one more photo that I'll share with you all and that is the newly painted entry door. It's cranberry and I love it. I just need to go outside and take the picture. :-) I'll try to do it tomorrow or this week. After that, all I can say is pictures are good, but there's nothing like the real thing. I'm extending an invitation to come and visit. We have plenty of room and it's really cozy. So, come on over. We'd love to show you around!

This is the downstairs of the house. You will see the mini-kitchen, bathroom (which is handicap accessible), the guest bedroom, the family room, and the bonus room. The section where you see the treadmill is two storage closets and where the elevator comes down. The family room has the pool table (BJ & RJ's Christmas present). The bonus room is in between the two mechanical rooms and has the air hockey table, piano and keyboard. Anybody needing a piano? I don't show a picture of Brandon's room as it was a mess, in a way. He has a pretty good size room. It's rectangular in shape and gives him a lot of space.
Well, it's been a long time since I've posted and a lot has happened. The house was finished the week of November 17 and we moved in November 21! God blessed us with a great day - sunshine, not cold, and plenty of help. Over 30 of our friends showed up. They had all our stuff outside in the truck or yard probably within a hour and a half. Everything was moved in two loads. We started at 9:00 a.m. and by 2:00 p.m. everything was in the new house. We ate pizza and pop and then most of the people left. We, Jane & her family, and Gail and Gary, all crashed in the living room in the only chairs we had (the wings) and on the floor. We were bushed, but extremely happy. Over the course of the next few weeks, I got boxes unpacked (with Jane's help) and tried putting the house in order. Here's the upstairs interior view of our new home.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today was busy for everyone. The guys put the basement windows in! YEAH!!! They've started working on the egress openings, the framing inspection is done, the insulation is in, the electricians and plumbers have done their thing, AND it stopped raining! Next step, sheetrock. I forgot my camera today so I'll insert the insulation photo later. The flooring is selected and ordered as of tomorrow. I ordered the glass panes for the kitchen cabinets today, and went trekking through the mud with Jane to look at a fiberglass window well. Oh the places my guys send me to see what things look like. I'm glad to have someone with me. Sometimes my brain is so full of choices, I can't decide another thing. Oh, the ceramic tile is picked out for the master bath. I never imagined all the stuff you have to pick out...faucets, cabinet handles, doors, door handles, grout, and the list goes on, and on. I'm still enjoying it though. Keep us in your prayers that things will proceed quickly, the weather will hold, paperwork will process quickly and we get in before the holidays, in Jesus name. Thanks for stopping in.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello, well this has been a week of rain, mud, and forecast of snow. Yep, snow. Fortunately, we didn't get any. The siding is up around 3/4 of the house, all the soffits and fascia are on, and we're just waiting on the egress windows and retaining wall to go in. It's cold and cloudy now, and the number one priority is to get the outside of the house complete. So, pray with us for a several more days of good weather.